Online Gaming Merchant Account - HighRisk Gateways
What is this?
An online gaming merchant account is a customized merchant service that helps in online money collection. It has several beneficial features that run to complete operations faster.
Also to give the most successful transaction results.
But you may have been thinking that what it has to do with a gaming merchant. There are many reasons why do you need one. But before them, you need to know why we’re calling it a merchant service.

Merchant Services
For running a company, and future growth merchants need the support of merchant services. These services you can take from even the banks or other sources. But supposedly everyone first tries to go to their local banks, which is normal.
But you need to consider that it won’t be easy. It’s just that not every bank has the same rules for everyone. Banks have their own rules and regulations, according to which if a merchant follows them then they can get what they want from banks. But in more cases merchants get refused to get anything from local banks because of the following reasons:
High volume turnover
As you know that there is a lot of money in the gaming world, but this becomes the reason for many obstacles for them. Big turnover means a high-level pay amount of transactions. And for such high-level games, local banks are not able to pay because there is too much risk in it.
There is also a danger of investing money and also of transacting money. If there is a slight balance here and there then the game is over. The player who plays is also aware of this risk and so is the merchant who is providing a platform.
But a merchant forgets that for such a risk the claimant must also be strong. Local banks cannot afford this much risk. So, this is also one of the reasons why banks are refusing gaming merchants.
Intangible product
Being a part of the digital world means being intangible. So, if any loss happens digitally, then it can be overwhelming to pay it physically. Being intangible, the risk of the chargeback is also very high.
This is because even after paying for Level Up several times in games, it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the character’s physical state. For this reason, merchants have to face chargeback.
And let’s say the merchant could take care of chargeback once or twice, but if it starts happening every time then it can damage his image in the market. Due to this, questions may also arise on the functioning of its supporter. So this is also one of the reasons for the rejection by the banks.
Online Fraud
As we know that online gaming platforms are open to everybody in the world. So, it’s natural to think that the website could be under the surveillance of online fraudsters. And that’s a fact. So, gamers who’d get interested in your gaming website would demand enough security. And that would be while doing an online payment for boosters, character dresses, and so on.
So, if you want to gain their trust, you must look for a solution as soon as possible. Online fraudsters are ready to rip you off until your bank gets empty without a single doubt. So, it’s better to get some support from an expert who knows how to deal with such issues.
No processing history.
See, established companies have placed their coin in the international market. But many new companies are now taking online games to an extreme level. The more dangerous the competition, the more profit will be there and so will the chances of loss.
Now if we talk about processing history, then new companies who have just entered the market are bound to not have a processing history. Even, if they take their game to the international level on the first turn. In such a situation, it becomes difficult to predict how long that company will last. Also for this, merchants are refused by banks for merchant services.
Now! What is the solution for this matter?
For this, you can rely on Us!
Oh! Who are we?
HighRisk Gateways is a PSP brand that serves merchant services to high-risk industries. Businesses are categorized into two categories. The first is low-risk businesses, and the other one is high-risk businesses. Whatever one of you is, you can decide on your own.
Now when you already know the reason why you come under the high-risk category, you can understand the next thing we’re going to tell you.
A PSP is who provides merchant services to the online merchants when they don’t get support from banks. But when it comes to providing services to high-risk businesses then they are baffled upon it.
It’s just that every company has its set of rules, which everybody in the company has to follow. And due to such rules, many PSPs are unable to get into a contract with high-risk merchants. But even if that’s the case, some PSPs that are dealing with high-risk industries for a long time can help such merchants.
Now, is one of the PSPs that are serving in high-risk industries since 2012. And from the way we look, it’s enough to prove that we’re experienced in battling the eye with such situations.
Our experts have some sort of strategies that you can follow and achieve your goal in a short period. Decisions are meant to be made on better plans. But if you don’t have an expert beside you then it can be difficult to understand things on your own.
We’re offering merchant services as payment gateway and merchant accounts to several business sectors for a long time. Now, it’s time for you to get your merchant services. We want to offer you an online gaming merchant account and a dedicated payment gateway.
A payment gateway is payment processing software that has the merchant account made on it. This software takes care of the payment processing online on the website. Naturally this payment gateway you can collect from the banks with a personal request.
But as you know that there is the existence of risk then you must get something better than that. We’re offering a high-risk payment gateway that is much better than a normal payment gateway.
This gateway is customized according to the business sector of the merchant. That’s why the merchant would get accustomed to the features of this software. This gateway has the feature of global card saving that saves players’ card data for future use.
With that, this gateway has the support of a high-risk payment processor. And that has enough strength to transact high-value transactions in seconds. Also, this gateway can provide you with the facility of real-time transactions. It means that there will be no delay in the reflection of the payment in the merchants’ accounts.
With us, you’ll get the option of 3D secure payments and a non-3D secure payments option in this gateway. Those options help merchants with the way they prefer to collect their online money.
3D Secure payments
With this option, your players would be able to pay their bills after filling an OTP sent to their devices for a secure network. And this would be working as a double-layer protection shield for online players. The high-risk payment processor would also work for faster transactions so you won’t have to worry about speed.
Non-3D secure payments
Merchants who don’t care that much about security matters can choose this option. This option will carry out every transaction without any OTP or a message. But for those who need both things can trust the feature of this payment gateway that is tokenization.
This feature turns sensitive data into insensitive so that data can’t be stolen by anyone. Also, this gateway has the feature of P2P encryption. This feature encrypts the transaction details so that data get double security.
Chargeback Management System
There’s no way you can completely get rid of a chargeback. But there are many ways you can reduce their rates. This payment gateway has the support of a chargeback management system that alerts PSP for every chargeback claim. Many claims are valid and are acceptable.
But sometimes players act on impulse and make a Rufus out of nothing. To deal with them, we first check whether the things that the player was supposed to get are delivered or not. If the thing is delivered in the same condition as the players’ choice then there’ll be no need of paying it back.
On the other hand, if even after paying for the boost or potions the things didn’t reach the players, the action will be taken sooner. The amount will be transferred to the claimant’s account in the chargeback period stated by issuing bank.
This saves the effort for the players and the merchant so the players can have the convenience of continuous gameplay.
Now! If you’re cleared about a high-risk payment gateway we shall move to the next part is an online gaming merchant account.
Online Gaming Merchant Account
Many PSPs consider the same merchant services for every business type. But with us, you won’t need to be troubled. We’re offering an online gaming merchant account. This merchant account helps merchants to collect online payments from players.
With this merchant account, you’ll get several features to rely on. These features will help you to carry out online transactions with ease. This merchant account is customized according to the need of the online gaming business. So, you need not stress about it.
Further, we should move on its features:-
Multi-Currency Support
This merchant account helps merchants to collect payments in several currencies from players. With this feature, players get the convenience of paying their payments in their currencies without any issues. Due to that, merchants and players find it convenient to transact payments online.
Alternative Payment Modes
Many gaming companies allow their players to pay in the mode of payment they prefer for an easy payout. Now, the players got accustomed to such facilities and expect this kind of facility from every gaming website they enter.
For that, this merchant account has the feature of alternative payment modes. This feature lets the players pay from several popular payment modes. And as this feature lets them have the freedom to choose their way, it’ll attract more players to your website.
If you want to attract a big number of players to your website then you should increase their comfort in using your services.
Credit Card Processing
Do you see anyone who uses credit cards more often whenever it’s about online shopping? Well, maybe you do. It’s because people prefer to pay from cards more than any other mode of payment.
This is because card payments provide ease with billing. It is one of the fastest paying methods which are used by a large number of online crawlers. And for faster credit card processing, this merchant account has the support of several acquiring banks.
With the support of several acquiring banks, the transaction will get completed faster. Add to this, it will help you to reduce the chances of payment failures, stop, or stuck.
Real-Time Reporting System
Gaming can be motivational for many people by inspiring them to express their true selves and to come out of their comfort zones. Many games in the market are influencing people to do the right thing. It’s just to become better human beings by forgiving and making life changes.
But even after that, they get scolded for mere reasons such as slow processing, low performance, and many other things. Some businessmen get able to take some time to look at their gaming websites but some do not.
In this condition, they need the support of a tech that can alert them in time so they can take action to resolve those issues in time. This merchant account has the feature of a real-time reporting system.
It alerts the merchant for every transaction made by the players, and for every issue occurring in the payment processing. This saves time, energy, and resources. Don’t you think?
Smart Routing
This merchant account has the feature of smart routing. It helps to transact payment with several terminals to complete the processing in time. With the help of this feature, players would be able to get the facility of continuous gameplay.
Fraud Prevention Tools
The security of merchants is also our concern. This merchant account has the feature of several fraud prevention tools. These tools check every transaction to make sure that there’ll be no fraudulent transactions.
If any transaction seems to be suspicious and couldn’t pass the checking would be immediately nullified. So, this feature is fully beneficial for gaming merchants.
HighRisk Gateways has the level 1 certification of PCI DSS. Our whole team follows all sets of rules stated by PCI DSS. And we’re reliable in the matter of online data security. We make sure that players and the merchant won’t worry about any fraud.
Now, that we have discussed why, when, and how these services work, you should know why should you rely on us.
Why should you trust HighRisk Gateways?
HighRisk Gateways has been serving merchant services to several business sectors since 2012. Those business sectors come under the high-risk category. And some of them are online casinos, forex trading, tobacco, & adult toys.
During these years, we succeed in learning perfect strategies to take over issues. And our merchant support will be available to merchants 24×7. We have the experience of every industry so we know how to tackle obstacles in our way and get better.
And we would love to share our experiences & knowledge with you. If you want to know about our other services you may visit our blog sections. Or if you have considered getting this merchant account, and payment gateway you can contact us via our official email ID.
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