A high-risk merchant account is one of the merchant services that are customized to deliver expected results to the user. Any merchant who’s running a high-risk business needs merchant services with better assistance. To get that, you can find a PSP with experience in High-risk industries.

High-Risk Industry
This industry is full of change and never going to compromise with service quality standards. A merchant who is providing services online and confronts several chargebacks a day needs expert support.
To expand in this industry merchants should get proper instructs and enough resources to accomplish their goals in time. Some of the PSPs are inexperienced so it would be difficult for them to route you to a safer way with enough support.
But whom they can approach for such services should be considered after giving much thought to the services being provided to them. Before we go to that provider we need to talk about the features this merchant account can provide you.
Easy Access
This merchant account is easily accessible with the merchants’ unique ID, and password globally. They don’t have to set up extra space to just keep an eye on their business.
Dynamic Dashboard
With this merchant account, they’ll get the support of a dynamic dashboard. This dashboard will make it easy for the merchants to keep everything in line while handling operations. Merchants will be able to always stay connected to their business at any time.
Real-Time transaction
Other processors may take time to reflect the transaction in the merchants’ account. But this merchant account has the support of a high-risk payment gateway. That gateway has a high-risk payment processor which is enough powerful to process online transactions with ease. Also, the transaction will not take more than the attentive time to get processed.
3D Security
This merchant account has the support of a 3D secure protection layer which is liable for the security of consumers’ money. That layer of protection is for double protection for the merchants and consumers.
It sends the OTP to consumers’ devices for every transaction so that without the correct OTP they’ll not be able to transact payments further. With this feature, merchants will be able to provide the experience of safe online shopping.
Tokenization & P2P Encryption
Tokenization is the feature that turns sensitive data into insensitive because of which the data won’t be stolen by anyone. Also, P2P encryption encrypts the data so that the transaction details won’t get to the hands of a fraudster. Fraud may try many times but they won’t be able to pass this security feature. Isn’t this secure enough?
Multi-Currency Support
Several countries get connected to you and your business when you get online. This means you may face different currency holders while trading online. For that, you’ll need a perfect solution.
This account has the feature of multi-currency support which means you’ll be able to receive online payment in several currencies. A facility like this can help more consumers to connect to your brand.
Alternative Payment Modes
This feature lets merchants receive online payments in several popular modes of payment. Also, this feature provides convenience to online users when they want to buy their favorite items from a website.
If you’ll able to provide comfort to them in an easier way then it would be healthy for your online status. The more convenience you’ll provide to your audience the more your strength will increase.
Real-Time Reporting System
Suppose your system starts to create issues for your consumers to pay bills and in during leaving the site. Won’t you help them out if you know the situation in time? You’ll do, right? So, for that, this merchant account has the feature of a real-time reporting system. This system alerts the merchants for every transaction. Also, it alerts the merchant for every small-large activity that happens with the payment processing system. This will save you time to get control of the situation and settle all things. Isn’t it helpful for you?
Online Fraud Protection
Frauds are involved in everything and every work. So, dissolving that matter properly isn’t possible. But to reduce its rate is possible to a limit. For that, this merchant account has the facility of fraud prevention tools.
When a transaction goes for getting processed these tools start their work and check the transaction thoroughly. If the tools find the transaction suspicious by any means the transaction will be stopped with immediate action. So, after that, the consumers will be safe from online fraudsters to a limit.
Chargeback Management
Chargebacks are never going to be extinct until every product becomes perfect from every inch or matter. But what can we change is the ratio of chargeback. And how do we do that? This merchant account has the support of a chargeback management system that alerts us for every claim.
Most claims are just done by those people who don’t have ethics and do these kinds of activities for fun when they had fun with the products. But some of them are real and were done for real issues with the products.
To differentiate between both we check every claim thoroughly. If we find that the condition of the products doesn’t match with the T&C the claim will be nullified after we get the evidence of a false claim from the merchant. It’s for the security of merchants and consumers. Are you ready for a change?
How can you get this high-risk merchant account?
This is very simple. Just find a reliable PSP who has been working in the high-risk industry and does have experience with such issues. You can also approach highriskgateways.in for such merchant services.
We can provide you with several beneficial merchant services. Also, we have the support of several acquiring banks so you need not worry about approval for this merchant account. You just need to clearly explain your business type, products, services, and goal. After that, the operations related to online payments will be handled by us.
When we finish the discussion, you’ll get the instructions that how all the things should be done? And from that point, the expansion of your business will start.
Why do we mainly focus on delivering better services & support?
Highriskgateways.in mainly focuses on delivering better services & support. It’s just because when the merchant will start to grow we’ll grow. This is the base for every other company to get on the track for a better future.
Business is like an exam where you fail many times, win many times. But with better and strong support you always walk straight towards your goal. When we started to work in the high-risk industry we thought that everything is so hard.
But when the time flies you start feeling that the journey has started. In this journey, we learned many things that can help the merchants to build their brand name, and stand at a point of their own.
Competition is harsh but with a shoulder to rely on, anyone can become better and give competition to others. Feel free to ask any query to our experts. By dropping a mail you’ll get amazing services, and experts to handle your issues in a very professional way.
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